Oh boy, I just made these this morning and could not wait to come here and post the recipe in the blog. Actually, first I have to thank my friend Karen for the recipe, as I got it at her blog, Kafka na Praia. THANK YOU SO MUCH KAREN!!
This recipe is great; the rolls were awesome, full of nutritious stuff and so delicious!! They had the best flavor from all the whole goodness in them, nutty and wholesome, plus they turned out very moist and when warm out of the oven and spread with butter… they were out of this world!! Definitely the best whole-wheat rolls I have made, or eaten!!
I have been buying some oat rolls from the bakery of a natural grocery store that I really like, but after today no more store bough oat rolls; these are by far superior and better tasting than those… Karen’s Whole Wheat Bread rocks!
It was super easy to make, and the dough was great to work with, no sticking here and there, and I didn’t even had to add much flour. I made half of the recipe and used about 2 ¼ cups of the extra flour needed (1extra cup whole wheat and 1 ¼ cups white), and it yielded 11 dinner-sized rolls. My dough didn’t rise much when resting, but the rolls were nice and fluffy when done, actually a lot lighter than one might expect when making whole wheat bread. Next time I may try adding a bit more yeast to see if it makes a difference, but the recipe is great just as is!
Also, the recipe states to bake for 40 minutes, but mine were done after 26 minutes in the oven at 375, and they even got a little over brown in the bottom. Depending on your oven, I would bake them at 350 and check around 30 minutes; they might be done by that time. (I adjusted the recipe bellow for 30 minutes baking time)
I followed Karen’s tip and added flax seeds, great idea; the seeds added not only flavor but made the bread look good also! Oh, and these smelled so good when baking… huuummm!
Thanks again Karen, these are truly delicious, I really loved them! And Matheus did too; he liked them ever before trying, saying he was going to have 2 for lunch! Hehe!! Of course, he ended up eating only one, leaving no crumbs behind!
Whole Wheat Bread
3 cups warm water
1 cup oil
3 eggs
1 tbsp salt
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup wheat bran
1 cup wheat germ
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups oats or oat flour
2 tsp active dry east
About 2 pounds all-purpose flour
Combine oil, eggs, salt and sugar. Add wheat bran, wheat germ and warm water. Stir well. Add east, whole-wheat flour and oats. Combine everything well and add the flour little by little until you are able to work with the dough. Knead for some minutes (the longer the better). Allow it to rise for about 1 to 2 hours. Divide the dough into three balls. Shape each of them and put in greased loaf pans. Leave them to rise for 1 to 2 hours. Bake at 350F for about 30 min.
Lovely looking recipe. Little Matheus is a sweet little fellow, isn't he? I like him without having ever met the little one.xx
Fiquei tão contente!!
O tempo de forno é para o caso de você fazer loaves, os pãezinhos assam mais rápido mesmo. Os seus ficaram redondinhos, lindos!
Seus pães ficaram ótimos, Ana! Estou a babar aqui, imaginando eles quentinhos com manteiga derretendo! Vou à caça das farinhas e tentar fazer!
Valentina, it is a great recipe indeed! Thanks for your coment on Matheus. I am bias, but he is super nice!!
Karen, imagina eu entao?! Amei a receita, esses paes sao mesmo deliciosos!! Obrigada por me corrigir, vc tem razao, o tempo de assar eram p/ paes grandes... oops, falha minha (e q falha...) Obrigada!
Akemi, obrigada! Faca, vc vai gostar, sao deliciosos!
Ana,there's nothing better than comments with a beautiful photo.. This recipe has attracted many fans. This is my chance to try it too.
Wow! Your bread looks terrific!
Ana your rolls look beautiful!
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