Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

“This is good!” That was the husband’s expression once he first bite into it, and this time I never ever mentioned the “secret ingredient”! Yes, there was tofu in this one, and I would not believe it if I haven’t made it myself. ”Sneaky” soy in a yummy treat!
Perfect consistency, super creamy, and the bits of crushed cookies add not only texture but also a great chocolaty taste to it. Really yummy, we loved it, one of the best ice creams I have made it with our machine, and better than that, a light one! Chocolate is still our favorite ice cream flavor, but this one was a very close second!
I believe the base would be good by itself, and even with chocolate incorporated in some way to make it a chocolate ice cream…. Humm, I guess we need some experimentation on this one!
Meanwhile I will leave the great recipe here and you guys make sure to try it, because this one is no doubt a winner! Really, it was the creamiest ice cream from all the recipes I posted lately here.

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream (adapted from Cooking Light)
1 (12 ounce) package reduced-fat firm tofu
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup half-and-half
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups whipped cream (measure it already whipped)
10 cream-filled chocolate sandwich cookies (such as Oreos), crushed

Combine first 5 ingredients in a food processor or blender; process until smooth. Place tofu mixture in a large bowl and fold in whipped cream. Pour mixture into the freezer can of an ice-cream freezer; freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Stir in crushed cookies during last 5 minutes of freezing. Spoon ice cream into a freezer-safe container; cover and freeze 1 hour or until firm.
Yield: 8 servings (serving size: 1/2 cup)
Note: make sure to use silken tofu here, other varieties will make it grainy.

Playing around with cookies and ice cream: coffee and vanilla ice cream sandwiches!

And, before you start wondering, no I didn’t lick the filling off the cookies to make these; there is a brand that sells the “tops and bottoms” of the cookies around here. Pretty neat, huh!?!


Karen said...

Ana, o que é "half-and-half" e o que posso usar no lugar. O "whipped cream" é o creme de leite batido? Sempre fico em dúvida quando vejo esses ingredientes nas receitas.

Valentina said...

Ana, to aqui me metendo. Karen, o whipped cream é tipo chantily.Double cream é creme de leite e o whipped é um double cream bem grosso.
Nao entendi a historia dos tops and bottoms. voce comprou os biscoitos e colocou o sorvete ou comprou tudo pronto?

Ana said...

Karen, half-half eh uma mistura de partes iguals de leite e creme de leite, nesse caso 1/4 xicara de leite com 1/4 xicara de creme de leite fresco (o mais liquido). Ja o "whipping cream" eh o creme de leite fresco, usado p/ bater chantilly. No caso dessa receita vc bate o chantilly e usa 2 xicaras dele ja pronto na receita! Espero ter ajudado, e sinta-se a vontade p/ perguntar sempre q tiver duvida em relacao aos ingredientes q uso aqui!

Valentina, eu comprei os cookies e coloquei o sorvete dentro! Eh q esses cookies sao aqueles tipo "oreos", tem desses ai? No Brasil tem um parecido chamado "negresco". Eh q os "oreos" vem com o recheio, mas eu compro de uma outra marca em q eles nao sao recheados, sao so os cookies, tops and bottoms, without the filling! Espero q vc tenha entendido e q eu nao a tenha confundido mais!


Anonymous said...

Ana, sorry. I searched the pumpkin muffin recipe for hours during the day:)but I didn't find it. Where is it, please? Oh well, my English is a greek tragedy..or almost.

Anonymous said...

aiii q lindo o sorvete!!!! amei!!!!!
hummm q vontade de tomar ice creamm!!!
mas amanah comerei mtos fondues, chocolates e afins!!!!
Beijinhos hermanaaa! domingo estaremos d volta pra contar as novidades!!!!!!
Amo vc!

Akemi said...

Ana, desse jeito não sei mais qual ice cream preparar primeiro, é um mais apetitoso que o outro! Aquele de peach me encheu a boca d'água e esse de cookies, uau!!! O mais legal é que leva tofu!!! Legal vc ter avisado para usar do tipo mais macio pq na receita pede um firme e já iria comprar justo esse mais esfarelento!
Agora vc descobriu um jeitinho de fazer seu marido comer soja sem ele saber! hihihi

Ana said...

Renata, I found them for you and sent the recipe via "beltrano". I could not find your e-mail... if you can, please send me a note, ok?!

Hermana!! Que bom q gostou, ficou muuuito bom esse sorvete, e realmente bonito com os deliciosos pedacos de cookies no meio!
Divirtam-se em Campos e me liguem p/ contar tudo, bom frio p/ vcs!!

Akemi, que bom q esta gostando das receitas, estamos "in a roll" aqui com os sorvetes! hehe!
Mas deixa eu te falar, essa foi a melhor de todas viu, super cremoso, igual sorvete de verdade mesmo, muito bom, vale a pena experimentar!


Anonymous said...

Ana, send me the recipe please. I didn't receive it via beltrano. My mail: rlampiao@gmail.com. Congratulations ! You are cooking very much, hein! Thanks a million !