Light and Tasty Lasagna!
As promised here I am with a new recipe. I saw today’s recipe in a magazine in Brazil, it sounded interesting when I read the ingredients, plus the picture looked so good that I could not wait to try it at home. Smoked Turkey and Whole Wheat Bread Lasagna has a different twist on the usual pasta dish, as it does not actually have any pasta in it. The lasagna noodles are replaced here by slices of whole wheat bread, and let me tell you, it worked pretty well with the ingredients in this recipe! (although I am not sure if it would work in a Bolognese type Lasagna…)
One of my favorite lunches during the summertime is turkey sandwich, and this recipe turned out to be a winter version of that! The cheese sauce is creamy and helps blend all the ingredients together. The tomatoes complement nicely both the sauce and the smoked turkey, and nice bread just adds up to all the goodness. I really enjoyed this dish; I made it in a square pan and Matheus and I polished off most of it. It was very easy and quick to make (40 minutes to prep and bake), a light and tasty “Lasagna” which will definitely be repeated pretty soon here at our home!
Smoked Turkey and Whole Wheat Bread Lasagna
1 cup milk
1 cup cottage cheese
1 tablespoon flour
Salt and nutmeg to taste
10 slices smoked turkey breast
8 slices whole wheat bread
2 tomatoes, sliced
Grated Parmesan cheese
Dried oregano
Preheat oven to 375F.
In a blender mix the milk, cottage cheese and flour. Add mixture to a saucepan and cook over medium heat until slightly thickened (~ 4 minutes). Add nutmeg and salt to taste; remove sauce from heat and reserve.
In a pyrex dish add a little bit of the cheese sauce to the bottom, layer half of the bread slices, top with half of the turkey slices, half the tomatoes, and cover with half of the cheese sauce. Make another layer the same way with the rest of ingredients (bread, turkey, tomatoes, sauce), finishing with the cheese sauce. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and dried oregano. Bake for 15 minutes or until slightly golden brown. Serve warm.
Estou dando uma espiada aqui no seu flog! Afinal, fotos brasileiras vao estar "recheando" os próximos posts neh! hehehehe!!!!
Amo você demais! Mesmo coma pequenina distância que nos separa, sua hermana vai estar te acompanhando sempre, e torcendo absurdamente por vc em tudo!!!!
Beijinhossssss e hummmm gostei da lasanha! hehehehe!!!!!
oi cunhada!!!viu ate eu vim comenta aki...num sabia se pudia em portugues mas sua sister ja escreveu entao num eh culpa minha...eheheh!!!
adorei mtu as coisas q vc faz viu..a ana me passo o endere�o numa hora critica pq eu to morrendo d fome!!
a proxima vez q vc vim aki quero experimenta td q vc faz d bom e eu ainda num comi viu?!
Loved this "sandwich" lasagna!
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