Pumpkin Soup!
Matheus and I have been in a “pumpkin kick” lately, we made pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins (twice already!), and yesterday was Pumpkin Soup!
I usually make winter squash soup using either butternut or acorn squashes during the winter, not just because it is my absolutely favorite soup, but also because it is really easy to make, and Matheus like it too.
However, I have seen a couple soup recipes with the combination of either pumpkin or butternut squash and leeks, and both sounded so good that got me curious enough to go ahead and try it. And I am glad I did!
I don’t cook much with leeks, as it is not that affordable here where I live. However, I do love the flavor that the leeks impart to food, it is a mellow and sweet onion flavor, not strong, not overpowering, it is a smooth flavor that I truly enjoy, especially on soup bases.
In this soup I was amazed with how much the leeks went well with the pumpkin flavor, it was so good! And the combination of white pepper and nutmeg were just perfect with this soup, I really loved those flavors here! Thyme is an herb that goes really well with winter squashes in general, but you have to be cautious because it can sometimes be overpowering (I actually used half the amount asked in the recipe, because I have a strong thyme growing in my backyard).
This soup is super simple to make and the end result was really delicious! Smooth and creamy, tasty and rich, what else could you ask in a warm bowl of soup?
I have to say that I didn’t even added the half-and-half, and it was so great this way that I will probably not use it when I make it again. I used a little more pumpkin than the recipe stated (I wasn’t going to keep a tiny amount of pumpkin puree leftover, right?!), and I guess that the extra pumpkin made up for the richness lost with the omitted half-half. Oh, and I used olive oil instead of butter, and maybe not even 2 tablespoons of it.
I had the leftovers today for lunch and am already looking forward to making some more of this soup! And I don’t know if it is because he really likes the fall season, and pumpkins, and Halloween, but Matheus simply loved the soup too! When you hear a “Thank you mommy for making this yummy pumpkin soup”, then you know it is a keeper recipe and that it will certainly be made again, soon!
Cucina's Pumpkin Leek Soup (CLBB, posted by Darla - Dgeevanson)
4 Tablespoons butter
2 large leeks, white part only, cleaned and thinly sliced
2 teaspoons dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
2 cups pumpkin puree
4 cups vegetable broth (or chicken broth - not vegetarian then)
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 1/2 cups half and half
Garnish - dollops of sour cream, grated Monterey jack cheese, chives
In a large saucepan, heat burner and sauté the leeks for 8-10 minutes on low heat, stirring often. Leeks should be soft and lightly golden. Add the thyme, nutmeg, salt, white peper, pumpkin puree, chicken broth and brown sugar. Stir, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Taste for seasoning. Add half and half and simmer another 10 minutes.
Queria ter a variedade de abóboras que vcs tem por aí! Esta sopa está super apetitosa!
Ana, nao me ocorreu colocar leeks na sopa. Que gostoso!! Comprei uma pumpkin no comeco da semana - adoro todas as pumpkins e squash, mas por falta de tempo ainda nao usei..E a ideia eh sopa mesmo!! Vou fazer esse weekend, e vou colokar leeks..lalalaaaa:)) Acho que eh a tua 3a receita de sopa que faco ( ja fiz a de squash e a de batatas com alho:)))
Akemi, sabe q essa sopa eu fiz com abobora normal mesmo e olha q ficou super deliciosa!! Eu gostei demais! Ate o Matheus comentou q ficou super gostosa e nem tinha butternut squash (q eu costumo usar mais p/ sopa! hehe!).
Brisa, eu achei o maximo a combinacao de pumpkin com leeks, fiquei encantada! Amei a sopa e nao vejo a hora de fazer outra vez. Ate ja comprei uma pumpkin ontem! ta aqui, sitting on the counter, so esperando p/ virar mais quitutes! hehe!
Eu amo sopa!!
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