This is a super delicious recipe that I have made before and didn’t even get a chance to take a picture (yes, it was that good!).
I made it when it first appeared in the magazine, last year, and just had to make it this year again. Besides being so good, this one also presents very well when you have company, especially if you remember to save a few extra berries to garnish the plate (which of course I forgot…). It is not too hard, and you can make it in advance. I made it once when my mom and sister were visiting and they loved it as well!
It is a little more laborious to make than the recipes I usually make, but it is well worth the extra effort, as the end result is a cold, creamy and delectable dessert. Really yummy this one!
The recipe calls for dried egg whites, which I happen to keep in my pantry, but if you don’t have and don’t mind, you may substitute real whites here. Or, use those pasteurized egg whites, but make sure they are the whipping kind, as some of them will not whip up into a meringue.
You can make it with raspberries or with a combination of berries, as I have made before (using both strawberries and raspberries). And I believe blackberries would not only make for a pretty looking mousse but also a very tasty one. Even blueberries might work, which I want to try sometime, as they are my favorite berries.
This time I made half recipe and it worked very well. Oh, and I also divided mine into individual molds, instead of a big one.
Yummy, creamy, cold and satisfying, plus it is light too! I normally don’t put nutritional stats on my recipes, but this one is worth mentioning, as each serving has only 168 calories, with 3 grams protein and 6 grams fiber, nice, huh?!?!
Frozen Raspberry Mousse (Adapted from Eating Well)
6 cups fresh raspberries or two 12-ounce packages unsweetened frozen raspberries, thawed
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar or Splenda Granular (see Ingredient note)
2 tablespoons orange juice
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
8 teaspoons dried egg whites (see Ingredient notes), reconstituted in 1/2 cup warm water according to package directions (equivalent to 4 egg whites)
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup whipping cream
2 cups fresh raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and/or strawberries for garnish
Mint sprigs for garnish
Place a small mixing bowl in the freezer to chill for Step 5.
Puree raspberries in a food processor until smooth. Pass through a fine sieve set over a large bowl; discard seeds. Measure out 1 cup raspberry puree, whisk in confectioners' sugar (or Splenda), cover and set aside in the refrigerator for sauce.
Place orange juice in a small saucepan. Sprinkle in gelatin. Let soften for 1 minute. Place over low heat and stir until the gelatin has completely dissolved. Let stand for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, beat reconstituted egg whites in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beating until the meringue is stiff and glossy.
Beat cream in the chilled bowl until soft peaks form.
Add the melted gelatin to the remaining raspberry puree and whisk until blended. Set the bowl over a bowl of ice water and stir just until the mixture starts to thicken slightly, 5 to 10 minutes. Add one-fourth of the meringue to the raspberry puree and whisk until blended. Using a whisk, fold in the remaining meringue. With a rubber spatula, fold in the whipped cream. Scrape the mousse into a 6-cup metal bowl (or other decorative mold) or a 9-by-5-inch metal loaf pan. Cover with plastic wrap and foil and freeze until firm, at least 6 hours.
To serve, fill a bowl or basin (large enough to hold the mold comfortably) with very hot water. Run a knife around the edges of the mold. Quickly dip the mold in hot water, and then invert a serving platter over the top. Grasping the mold and platter, jerk downward several times. If the mousse does not release, dip in hot water again and repeat. Cut the mousse into wedges or slices. Serve with the reserved raspberry sauce and garnish each serving with a scattering of berries and a mint sprig.
Yield: 8 servings
Esta parece ser uma sobremesa deliciosa, Ana! Vou tentar fazer com framboesas mesmo, porque agora está mais fácil achá-las aqui no Brasil, tanto frescas quanto congeladas. E parabéns pela foto, ficou linda...
Estou babando aqui na tela, amiga! Está linda! Já está no top of the top of the list! Beijão!
Gosto muito dessas suas receitas de sobremesas geladinhas e cremosas, humm!
E não posso deixar de comentar o prato de massa com camarões! Esses camarões estão tão apetitosos e gorduchinhos!
Ana, your blog is such an inspiration!
I'll have people over for dinner next holiday and was wondering what to choose for dessert... I found frozen raspberries and will buy them to make this delicious recipe!
The color is so beautiful!
Good to know that besides being delicious it's also light... :D
Tks for sharing!
Ana, isso parece MUITO bom!!! :-))) beijos,
q apresentacao hein..parabens ana!!
espero q td esteja bem ai..
abraco a tds
A decoração dos teus pratos inspiram a todos, inclusive à pessoa que vos fala.Toda vez que namoro os ramequins nas lojas eu me recuerdo das tuas sobremesas cremosas. Bj
Cinara, eh muito gostosa sim! Obrigada!
Akemi, eh muito boa essa receita viu!
Karen, eu sou fa de creamy desserts!!
O camarao eh bom, ne?! Meu marido e o Matheus adoram!
Patricia, this is a great recipe to serve to company! You can make in advance, and the presentation is beautiful, impressive to guests! hehe!
Fezoca, obrigada!
Evandro, que legal vc por aqui, sempre adoro suas visitas!! Obrigada! Esta tudo joia aqui sim! Espero q com tbem!
Renata, obrigada! I love creamy!!
Paz, thanks!
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