Every year during fall season, I can’t wait to go to the farmer’s market and come home with a basket full of apples! To eat, to make pie, muffins, and especially to make applesauce!
It is super simple, the easiest thing to make. You can use applesauce in many recipes, and I keep thinking I am going to use some in my baked goods (in my favorite apple muffins, for example), but we always end up eating most of it warm, right after it is ready and pureed, and the aroma of apples and cinnamon is still wonderfully infusing the kitchen!
As Matheus says, “This is the best applesauce, ever!” And, I have to agree!
Homemade Applesauce
¾ cup apple cider - or unfiltered apple juice, or regular apple juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Peel apples and cut them into chunks. Put apples and rest of ingredients in a big plastic container that can be microwaved. Cover with a lid, but open up one of the corners, so steam can escape.
Microwave the apples for 10 minutes, until they are very soft. Remove from microwave and puree to your desired consistency.
My Notes: the sweetest apples are the best for making this, as they break down easily and produce the moistest and sweetest applesauce. I always use a mix of apples for making applesauce, as I think the variety of flavors makes up for a tastier end product. But really, you can use whatever apples you like!
I use an immersion blender for pureeing the apples, and if I think there is too much liquid in the container, I will drain part of it into a cup and reserve. Then I puree the apples and if needed I can add more of the yummy liquid (and in case there is liquid leftover, well, then I drink it, it is delicious, just as hot mulled cider!)
Also, you can use the peels in here if you want to, and I usually do. If I opt for not using them in the applesauce, them I put them in a small Ziploc container, keep in the fridge, and eat them as a snack! The peels have a lot of goodies in them, vitamins, fiber, and I think they are just as tasty as the apples themselves!
Eu como vc adoro receita que tenham maça e vcanela.Eu posso utilizar essa receita de applesauce em que? Vou experimentar esse fim de semana.
Ana, I'm going to try your applesauce recipe.As you I love apples and at this time of the year it is so wonderful to see so many varieties out there.The UK has so many varieties of apples...
Anna, a gente adora comer applesauce como fruta mesmo, coloca num potinho e manda ver! Eh uma delicia morninho, mas gelado tbem eh muito bom!
Vc pode usar em receitas tbem (tem algumas receitas q substituem parte do oleo com applesauce), ou ate como topping p/ panquecas doces (pancakes!), meu filho adora applesauce com as pancakes ou waffles!!
Valentina, how nice to see you here, I missed you in "blogworld", glad to have you back!
I hope you enjoy this as much as we do here! Apples are lovely doring the fall, there is something about it getting cold outside that makes me crave apples! hehe!
There are a ton of varieties around here too. I usually go to the farmers market, buy about 5 diferent types, and by the time I get home I can't even remember all the varieties I initially got! For this recipe I used 4 different apples and the applesauce came out divine tasting!
Ótimo encontrar uma boa receita de applesauce! Ultimamente tenho comprado só os potinhos da Andros, mas o seu tem mel e canela... humm
Karen, eu tbem compro em potinhos p/ usar em receita, mas no fundo nem sei pq, pois esse q eu faco eh sem duvida superior, bom demais!
O negocio eh q eu faco e a gente come tudo de colher de tao bom q fica! acabo usando os de potinhos (e s/ acucar ou spices) p/ fazer as receitas mesmo!
saudações hermana!!!
fiz as esfihas! ficaram mto boas, mas não chegaram aos pés da suaaa (que são iguaizinhaaassss às da esfiha real! aliás, melhores, vai!!! hehehe!!!)
To passando aqui pra cobrar minha receita do bolo! hehehehe brincadeirinhaa!!!
hj teve bolo d cenoura aqui em casa (ô diliça, viu!)
Beijinhos hermanaa!!!!!!!
I just bought apples, today!
Preciso experimentar esta receita e a dos muffins de maçã tbm! Agora é a hora de fazer todas as receitas de maçã qe temos direito ne!
Ana, que bom q fez e ficaram boas!! Eu fiz no fim de semana tbem, bom demais, ne?!!
Paz, nice coincidence! Make applesauce then!! hehe!!
Akemi, agora eh a epoca mesmo! Engracado, so de ver tanta maca e abobora nos supermercados da uma vontade enorme de fazer comidinhas com eles!! E eu adoro as duas frutas!!
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