I know I have posted a chocolate gelato already this past month, but I tried another recipe last week and just had to come share this one too.
The previous recipe is good, light and tasty, one of the favorites here at our home, but if you are a real chocoholic like me then you will leave that one for the kids and go for this new one instead.
Now this is serious Chocolate Gelato, realy, realy, realy good ice cream stuff, by far the best chocolate ice cream recipe I have made and one of the best I have ever had. It is rich and chocolaty, smooth and creamy, simple and absolutely the best!
The previous recipe got its flavor from melted chocolate and a little bit of cocoa powder, on the other hand, there is a lot of cocoa in this rich gelato, and that is what makes it so good, it is pure chocolate flavor in creamy and cold deliciousness. I really loved this one!!
Also, the other best thing about this is that it did not get icy after being in the fridge for a couple of days, it kept super well, smooth and creamy just as when consumed the first day.
I first saw this recipe at Nic’s blog, Baking Sheet, and drooled just by looking at her picture. I knew right away it would be my kind of dessert, and I am glad I tried it early in the summer, because I am already going to whip up some more!
My picture however doesn’t make justice of the goodness involved in this dessert, but you can certainly check out her post and picture here.
The recipe comes from a great book called “Bittersweet” by Alice Medrich, which I actually borrowed from the library to check out and has tons of mouth watering chocolate recipes and pictures; a nice book to take a look if you are into chocolate desserts.
This Chocolate Gelato is not as dense as ice cream, but it is rich enough that you may not need much to satisfy your chocolate cravings, and even though I am the biggest chocoholic here both Matheus and the Husband enjoyed this one a lot too. And as Matheus says “chocolate ice cream is the best”! Oh yes, I am all with him!!
Really, if you like chocolate, give this a go, it is amazingly good!
Thanks Nic for giving the heads up on this one!
Sicilian Chocolate Gelato
(Adapted from Bittersweet by Alice Medrich)
3 cups milk
2/3 cups sugar
¾ cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch
In a medium saucepan, bring 2 cups of the milk to a simmer over medium heat.
Meanwhile, whisk the remaining 1 cup milk with the sugar, cocoa, and cornstarch in a small bowl. Add the cocoa mixture into the hot milk and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and bubbles a little at the edges. Cook for 2 more minutes, pour mixture on a bowl and let it cool. Cover with plastic wrap and chill it overnight. Freeze in ice cream machine according to its instructions.
hummmm, parece estar mtoooooooooooo bom!!!!!!! fiquei até com vontade! heheheh!!!!
Beijos hermana!!!!
Anissima, ficou bom demaisssss esse sorvete, vc tbem iria adorar, tenho certeza!
Estou com saudades hermana!
Este seu sorvete está parecendo o de chocolate da Hagen Daaz, deu água na boca! Então vc recomenda este ao invés do outro???
Sorvete... saudade...
Akemi, se vc gosta bastante de chocolate pode fazer esse, eh bem rich, tem um sabor bem pronunciado de chocolate. O outro eh mais simples no sabor, mais leve, mas tbem bem gostosinho, a gente gosta aqui em casa!
Karen, faz com adocante! hehe!
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