I've been meaning to post for a while here, since I came to Brazil, but due to a few techinical problems the computer needed some repairs and only this week we were able to use the internet again. Isn't it funny how attached we get to the computer world? It seemed we were isolated from the world without the internet for a few days! hehe!
Now I am back and hopefuly with a few recipes to post in the near future. I haven't been cooking much these past few days, mostly we are enjoying the family and the yummy Brazilian foods we don't have (or is harder/expensive to find) in the US.
I am not going to post a recipe today, as I just came to say hello and coment a bit about the Brazilian soccer team that is doing great at the Soccer World Cup. And oh boy, people over here are going crazy with the games, there are flags and the yellow and green colors everywhere, it is a little overwhelming, but the happines around is really cool!
On the last game I made some yellow and green jello for dessert, yummy!
I will be coming back home next week, and will definitely resume my cooking/posting activities around here!! I love to cook, and posting on this blog as well!
See you all soon!
Logo que vi a foto dessa gelatina, pensei que fosse uma bebida, tipo coquetel...rs As cores estão lindas! Realmente essa Copa está nos deixando com o coração e as unhas em frangalhos! rs Fico feliz (e uma ponta de invejinha) de vcs estarem se divertindo na nossa terrinha! Aproveitem ao máximo e comam todas as delícias do nosso Brasil por mim! Saudades principalmente das frutas! Hummmm! Fico muito feliz por terem gostado do bolo de milho, é um prazer poder dividir essas receitas com todos vcs! Estarei esperando ansiosa pelos seus posts com receitas made in Brazil! Beijos e boa viagem de volta, amiga!
Hope you'd a wonderful time back home!
Ana, linda esta foto com a bebida e bandeirinha. Hoje vou roer mais unhas por aqui.Tens comido mais pokans?
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