Every time I cook with leeks I wonder why I don't use it more. It is so flavorful, so delicious... I just wish it was a little less expensive though.
This recipe is ultra simple to put together and results in a very delicate and tasty dish. I got it from the book "Everyday Food: Great Food Fast", which I borrowed from the library and am seriously considering getting a copy for me, the recipes are easy to make and each of them comes with a nice picture, and I loooove cookbook with pictures!
This recipe turned out just as the picture, the only difference being I used Halibut instead of Cod (as the recipe asked for), as I just cannot stand cod in any form (fresh, salted, cured, etc).
The fish was moist and yummy, but the leeks were the very best part!! So good, next time I think will make just roasted leeks with tomatoes!! :o)
This dish was pretty to look at and had a "clean" taste, plus the leeks and tomatoes made a great combination with the white fish.
Feel free to sub your favorite fish in this recipe, I bet that for those who like it the cod would be good too.
Halibut with Leeks and Tomatoes
(Adapted from Everyday Food: Great Food Fast - From The Kitchens of Martha Stewart Living)
2 leeks, thinly sliced, rinsed and patted dry
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 sprigs fresh thyme, or 1 teaspoon dried
Salt and pepper
2 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes
4 halibut fillets
Preheat oven to 375F. In a baking dish mix together the leeks, lemon zest and juice, oil, thyme and salt and pepper to taste. Cover with foil and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes.
Remove dish from oven, add tomatoes and toss to combine. Season fish fillets with salt and pepper and place them on top of the vegetables. Cover the dish and bake for 15 to 20 minutes more.
Server 4.
Ana, I've loved this fish, is there any similar in Brazil?
The flesh is so white, and must be soft.
Ah, mas esse livro tem que TER, Ana. Nada de biblioteca. Devolve esse e compra um pra voce coorrendinho! :-)
Tambem adoro alho-poro... hm. Com esse peixe entao. beijao,
Ana, I bought this book and the package arrived last weekend - I can't wait to start using it, all the recipes look wonderful!
I had an eye on this fish, too - now that you've made it so deliciously, I want to try it even more! :)
E esses tomatinhos estão em alta agora no verão, também.
E esses tomatinhos estão em alta agora no verão, também.
Ana, que delícia de prato, o Sr. Alho Porró é uma maravilha, dá um sabor especial a tudo, não???
Vou experimentar a receita!
Um beijinho!
Ana, que delícia de prato... Este livro dela fala sério, qualquer página que você abra tem coisa boa!!!
E geralmente com ingredientes que estão ali... na despensa! Bjs!
Thannks for a great read
Awwesome blog you have here
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