I still can't believe my "baby" already turned 5, but the party sure was fun! Matheus' birthday was yesterday and we had a party for him at the place he practices soccer. It was great, the kids had a blast running around and kicking balls. One of the coaches was there and kept them busy and laughing for the entire time.
Matheus loved it, he was so happy, and of course so was I! The cake was his idea, a soccer field, and let me tell you, the kids loooooved it!
It was my first attempt with fondant, and I believe a very successful one. I got some tips with a friend that is used to making cakes like this and didn't have much problems. The fondant was actually easy to work with and I had so much fun making the cake, coloring and rolling the fondant. It took me a while to get everything done, but it was so worth it!
I loved and even told my husband that one day I will work with this type of thing. I had the best time doing it, and can you imagine getting paid and having this much fun??? I can just dream about it!
The cake itself was a recipe for chocolate cake that I first made when I was in Brazil, and I have actually mentioned this recipe here. It has the basics ingredients in it, simple method of preparation, but the result is outstanding. I loved this cake from the moment I tasted the batter the first time I made. Simple but yet delectable, rich chocolate taste with just the right amount of sweetness to it. Everyone enjoyed it and I even got some requests for the recipe from some of the mom's, how cool it that??!
So, here is the recipe for all of you who would like a taste of my little soccer cake! I am also including the ganache that came with the recipe originally, you can use it to fill and cover the cake if desired. This cake covered and filled with the ganache was one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever had, yumm!!
The one piece leftover from the cake (the kids really liked the cake, everyone wanted to touch it and even the little guys on the top were taken home as souvenirs!!)
Cocoa Cake with Chocolate Ganache
(Adapted from the book "Cozinha de Estar" by Rita Lobo)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup cocoa
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
200 grams butter, room temperature
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 cup milk
400 grams semisweet chocolate
2 cups heavy whipping cream
For the cake
Preheat oven 350F. Grease and flour a round cake pan (it can also be baked in bundt or rectangular 13x9 pans).
Sift the flour, cocoa, salt, and baking powder, set aside.
With the mixer beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, and keep beating to incorporate.
On low speed, add flour mixture alternating with the milk. Do this in three additions, starting and ending with the flour. Mix everything just until well incorporated.
Pour batter into prepared pan and bake at 350F for about 40 to 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Let cake cool completely before filling and covering with the ganache.
For the ganache:
Put cream on a sauce pan and heat until it reaches a boil. Remove from heat, add chocolate and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Gently mix the chocolate and cream mixture until all the chocolate is melted and the ganache is uniform. Pour mixture in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it cool in the frige for about 30 minutes, or until it has a good consistency to be applied to the cake.
Since I had fondant leftover I decided to make a second small cake. It turned out kind of cute, didn't it??!
Ana! Parabens para o Matheus! Ah, CINCO, que idade linda - na verdade todas sao! Como eles crescem rapido, nao? Meu baby vai fazer VINTE e CINCO em abril. O aniversario de cinco anos dele tambem foi marcante, pois foi o ano/mes que o cometa Harley passou pela terra, entao fiz - ops, quer dizer - mandei fazer um bolo em forma de cometa e gelatina s azuis em forma de estrelas. Ele adorou! O seu bolo esta lindissimo, e para o Matheus deve ter sido motivo de alegria e orgulho, pois foi voce que fez! Boleira talentosa! beijaoo! ;-)
Ana querida, que felicidade!! Parabens e muitas alegrias ao Matheus!!:))
O bolo ficou mesmo lindo:)) Sabe que eu tb ando interessada na arte?? Comprei esse livro akih http://www.amazon.com/International-School-Sugarcraft-Book-Beginners/dp/1853917486/ref=pd_sim_b_1/102-6410215-7675321?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1VROWOZZTP49R&colid=3RSAT9KT9XQD1 , faz parte de uma serie de tres, mas primeiro vou ver como me saio com o primeiro..hehe..Soh nao tive tempo ainda, mas que ta na fila, esta..Legal saber que voce nao teve dificuldade, e ainda teve fun. Eu acho que vou er fun tb..hehe
Bjs e muito amor pro Matheus,
Fiquei admirando seu bolo lá no mail e imaginando a alegria toda do Matheus, dos amiguinhos, das mães! Até eu queria um dos bonequinhos para levar de lembrança, tá tudo lindo e caprichado, amiga! Parabéns ao Matheus pelos 5 aninhos!
Essa receita de bolo de chocolate vou ter que experimentar qualquer hora, dá para ver na foto como ele é fofo! Hummmm!
Parabéns para o Matheus e parabéns a você pelo bolo! Ficou perfeito!
o melhor bolo, a melhor boleira!!!!
acho q vc esta no caminho pra se tornar uma "profissa" no assunto, hermana! hehehe!!!
sua hermana te da o maior apoio e claro, ja deixa encomendado um bolo de coraçõezinhos pro prox ano! ;)
Beijinhos, he!! boa semana pra vc! :)
Por cá em Portugal, também costumamos adorar esse tipo de bolos.
Parabéns ao seu Matheus! Felicidades! :-)
Parabéns para o Matheus! Dê um beijo e um abraço de urso nele por mim Ana. :) O bolo está lindo, lindo! Você realmente tem o poder querida. hehe
I've made several cakes with rolled fondant and know how tricky it can
get sometime - yours is FANTASTIC!!
Very professional!
Fe, obrigada, 5 anos eh mesmo uma idade muito legal!
Brisa, obrigada! Legal a sua dica, nao conhecia esse livro, depois me conta sobre suas aventuras e se tem bastanta coisa boa nele, ok?!
Akemi, obrigada! O bolo eh uma delicia, e melhor ainda recheado e coberto com o ganache, uma perdicao!
Karen, obrigada!
Ana, obrigada irmazissima!! E pode ficar sossegada q o seu ira sair, repleto de coracoezinhos, assim q eu for visita-las ai de novo! (ja to ate planejando a coisa! hehe!)
Elvira, obrigada!
Eliana, obrigada, me fez rir, to me sentindo a poderosa aqui!! hehe!!
Patricia, thanks! Coming from you (a great baker and decorator) this is a wonderfull compliment!
olá, descobri hoje o seu blog e gostaria que me desse a receita da cobertura porque tambem adoro cozinhar ecostumo fazer os bolos de aniversario dos meus filhos.obrigada helia
Ana, happy birthday to Matheus. The cake looks fabulous!! Looking at the result of the first attempt you sure would do well in this field.I will write this recipe down as chocolate ckaes are always people's favourites and a good recipe is always more than welcome.Will put them in your recipe file ( I created one ).
Ana querida, que felicidade!! Parabens e muitas alegrias ao Matheus!!:))
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