Oh, I love corn, sweet, fresh summer corn.... oh yum!
It is not summer yet, but the delicious yellow kernels are already starting to show up at the stores. There is nothing like summer corn, the kernels are sweet and plump, you barely need to do anything to it at all as they are so tender and perfect by themselves. My favorite way to eat corn is by far on the cob with butter and salt... makes my mouth water just to think about it.
I brought home a couple ears and made a creamed corn recipe for lunch today. I still prefer my corn with simply salt and lots of butter, but this was sort of light and also very yummy and tasty; corn and basil together, how can you go wrong, right?! (I used 2 ears of corn and ate almost it all by myself!)
Judy's Creamed Corn
(Adapted from Sara Foster's Casual Cooking by Sara Foster)
Over medium heat, in a large skillet, melt 3 tablespoons of butter and add the kernels scraped from 6 ears of corn. Season with salt and pepper and cook for 2 minutes, until it softens slightly.
In a small bowl stir 2 tablespoons cornstarch into 1/2 cup water. Add this slurry mixture to the skillet with the corn, plus another 1 1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer the corn for about 3 minutes until the sauce is thickened. Stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar and a bit of salt and pepper if needed. turn of heat, add 3 fresh basil leaves thinly sliced, stir and serve!
(Should feed from 4 to 6 people)
Ana, que delícia, que saudade de milho americano!!!
Fresh corn is the best! I love this time of year.
Thanks for commenting on my blog earlier today ... I hadn't been over here to see you before so I'm looking forward to reading your past posts. (As well as keeping up with your new ones.)
Ana, estou conhecendo o seu blog somente agora e quero te parabenizar pelas receitas ótimas e pelas lindas fotos.
Mas queria te deixar uma sugestão: bem que o blog poderia ser em português né (risos), seria bem mais fácil achar as medidas e os ingredientes.
Ana, eu adoro milho, e tenho vontade também de experimentar este milho americano. Now, please English Class. What are corn kernels, and ears... I didn't understand, I have look at the dictionary but it doesn' make sense for me. Thanks in advance. Teacher Ana.
Cláudia B.
Ana, continue em inglês,por favor, é um prazer ler seus blogs, treinar o meu inglês e como hoje, aprender o que a gente não sabe.
Please, write it in English!
Me too, just can't stop at one!
Só de ver estas espigas já dá para ver que os grãos estão super macios! Já fiquei com água na boca também só de imaginar comê-los só cozidos e com sal...
Cris, eh uma delicia mesmo, ne!
Alisha, I am glad you came to visit, please feel free to look around and any questions just yell, I am always around!! I like your blog a lot too!!
Paulinha, obrigada pela visita, fiquei feliz com seu comentario! Sabe q ja pensei em fazer um blog em portugues tbem, mas as vezes da uma preguica... hehe! O negocio eh q como moro nos EUA eu tenho amigas/os americanos e brasileiros, e a maioria dos brasileiros entende o ingles, porem a reciproca nao eh verdadeira... eh raro achar americano falando nossa lingua.
Qualquer duvida em qualquer receita me contacte q eu terei o maior prazer em ajuda-la!
Claudia, sabe q o milho americano eh mais docinho do q o Brasileiro. Achei diferente quando experimentei mas confesso q adorei logo de cara, eh super macio. Espero ter ajudado com suas perguntas quando respondi la no seu blog!
Gattina, good to know its not just me!!!
Akemi, vc acertou em cheio, estavam mesmo muuuito macios. E o milho aqui eh tao docinho q eh gostoso de comer ate cru! Meu modo favorito de come-lo tbem eh cozido (ou assado/grelhado) e com manteiga e sal.... ai q delicia! (alias, fiz mais milho hoje p/ o almoco, estou numa fase "corny"!! hehehe!)
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